Through its platform, Recapp (Receivables Approval Network) supports commercial B2B relations allowing them to identify all disputes, discrepancies, and barriers that might impact the collection process of companies using an early and non-invasive technique. Recapp can help you get the cash flow you expect by creating an impartial and independent communication channel for all parties involved.

Keep the cash coming...


Luis "Leo" Rodríguez
Founder & CEO

Luis’s career in accounts receivables started over three decades ago. Through the years, he succeeded in managing four collections and collecting over $1 billion from clients in over 5 countries.

“Recapp helps you accelerate cash flow, eliminates manual tasks, and optimizes the collection process for each vendor”

Recapp Founder – CEO, Luis “Leo” Rodríguez


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We encourage you to become part of this network free of charge…

Hope to see you soon!